About Melissa
Melissa DaSilva, LICSW
Melissa is a successful artist, entrepreneur, therapist, and coach who motivates other healing professionals and artists to take their life and career to the next level. She is the author of “The Profitable Practice: Helping Healing Professionals Build and Grow a Successful Business.”
Melissa is also the co-founder of the virtual assistant agency Assistant to the Therapist. She helps healing professionals connect with affordable, highly trained virtual assistants who can help take practices to the next level.
Melissa is the creator and host of the successful LGBTQ+ podcasts Pride Connections and Chit Chat with the Queer and Creative. She has been featured as a guest on several international podcasts and blogs.
Melissa has been a licensed social worker for 15 years and started her Rhode Island-based mental health agency in 2015, where members of the LGBTQ+ community can find safe and specialized therapeutic services.
Currently, Melissa lives and runs her mental health agency from Puerto Rico while also creating art that positively impact the world.

Check Out My Book!
The Profitable Practice
“They didn’t teach me this sh*t in school” is a phrase myself and many other healers who have opened their own businesses have yelled out in frustration at one time or another. In my book, The Profitable Practice: Helping Healing Professionals Build and Grow a Successful Business, I have created a step-by-step guide that helps healers through the process of starting a business, teach them how to run it like a business and actually make money to live the lifestyle they want.
Schedule a Consultation
Are you ready to step into the kind of life and career you desire?
Let’s schedule a time to chat!