Is Coaching Worth the Expense?
No, it is not worth the expense, but it is worth the investment. The mindset of investing in yourself and your future needs to change even before hiring a career coach. This mindset is something that most individuals don’t have. Let’s face it, we don’t know everything...
Tell Him He’s Hot
Last week I was involved in an interesting conversation with a colleague. We started discussing long-term relationships and how after so many years they can become stagnate. This colleague made an interesting comment. He stated, “I want other people to tell my husband...
I Said I’m Sorry
I do think that the universe can work in mysterious ways. A couple of weeks ago I had been listening to one of Tony Robbin’s 8-hour lectures. Yes, I am one of those woo-woo people. I get pumped listening to motivational speakers. One topic he had touched on was...